Happy Birthday Snow Card

Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Welcome or welcome back! I'm excited to be hosting this week's Little Red Wagon challenge. This time, my Def Leppard-inspired theme is "Women". I'm looking for any sort of feminine creation. How you interpret that is up to you. 

One of my best girlfriends shares my birthday and we are alike in many ways. However, I'm all about sun and sand while she absolutely loves snow. As her favourite colour is yellow, I created this yellow snowflake card for her. The colours are a bit softer in real life. I also added some little diamond gems on the die cut snowflakes for an added touch of femininity. 

I'd love for you to join our challenge too! You can head over to Little Red Wagon  to view the rest of the Girlfriends' projects and then link up a creation of your own! 

You are Just "Plane" Amazing

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
It's Imke's turn to host this week's Little Red Wagon challenge and she's got a fun one for us - Planes, Trains and Automobiles. She's actually looking for a creation with any sort of vehicle so you're not actually limited to one of the three. I think I find the challenge especially fun as the name of it reminds me of a movie by the same title. John Candy, one of the stars of the film, was a wonderfully talented Canadian comedic actor. 

I pulled out a stamp set from Your Next Stamp for the image and sentiment. I then combined some patterned papers and die cut a coiled border strip. I don't use patterned paper as much as I should. I like the look and I have far too much of it!

Please head over to Little Red Wagon to see the rest of the Planes, Trains and Automobiles challenge creations made by the talented Girlfriends. We'd love for you to join the fun too! 

Kind-Hearted People Like You

Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Janice is hosting this week's Little Red Wagon challenge and she's been practicing her "So cute!" comments for your entries. Janice is looking for cute creations of all kinds.

I'd actually thought the challenge was "cute critters" so knew I wanted to use an image from Reverse Confetti. In fact, I was hoping to use a little bunny from their Easter set but I must have misfiled the stamp set as it was not where it should have been. Either that or somebody broke into the house and stole that particular stamp set, leaving the cash, electronics and jewellery behind. Anyway, this little mouse is super cute and I decided she would be perfect on a card for one of my aunties who always sends me little notes and readings through the post. The sentiment, clouds and little hearts are from a My Favorite Things set. The dies are from a generic set that I had admired on my wonderfully talented friend Shani's blog so bought a set of my own! 

Head over to Little Red Wagon to see the rest of the "so cute!" creations - and then link up one of your own! 
Former Design Team Member at My Craft Spot (2011-2015)
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