T-Shirt for my Daughter

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hello friends! Today is a bit of a bittersweet day for us as we'll be taking our daughter back to uni for the year. Here in Canada, the midwifery program is a highly competitive one and quite difficult to get into. However, Erin was offered admission to the program (and accepted!) so we are overjoyed for her! She has to be back to school a bit early as she's been hired as a Community Advisor, working with first year students in residence. It's been such a treat to have her home this summer and I'll really miss her when she's gone. 

Erin's birthday is on Monday so we celebrated early with a special dinner and gifts last night. One of her gifts was this t-shirt I made her using vinyl and my Silhouette. I got the idea online and it was so quick and easy to put together. Erin LOVES it! And, as I used left-over heat transfer vinyl and purchased the t-shirt with a coupon at Michaels, this fun project cost only $4 to make!!


1 Lisa said...

Happy birthday to your daughter!! What an awesome shirt...I can't believe you made it for $4!! It's fabulous!! I hope she has a wonderful school year!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

2 scraphappenswithrhonda said...

tell your daughter happy birthday and so happy for her your shirt turned out amazing. But we know she has an amazing mom already. hugs friend

3 Scrapper69 said...

Your daughter looks just like you Kate! She's beautiful! So happy for her too! How awesome for her to get accepted! :o) Wish her a Happy Birthday from me! :o) So glad you got to spend some time with her before she heads back! Oh.... LOVE the shirt to! Super CUTE! :O)

4 Bobby said...

Happy Birthday to Erin! The shirt is such a cute idea. Love those punny sayings.

5 The Cropping Canuck said...

Funny shirt! Great gift.

6 Renee B. said...

LOVE IT! The saying is hilarious....I'm sure all of her fellow midwife students are going to want one! Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter.
Hugs, Renee

7 Tina said...

Great shirt. Happy Birthday to your daughter and much academic success.


8 ~ Barb said...

Oh that is such a perfect and hilarious sentiment, lol. My youngest is off to Kindergarten at the start of school this year, and here she goes all day every other day. I don't want mine to go either I have so enjoyed our summer time together so I can empathise with you. Congrats to her on getting in to her program. Hope you had a great summer!
{Hugs} Barb

Former Design Team Member at My Craft Spot (2011-2015)
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