Dogs Leave Paw Prints on Your Heart

Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Happy Wednesday - I think!! For some reason (likely being home again and again from one day to the next!), I've been completely muddled on the days this week. I'm also mixed up with the weeks. I attend a virtual book club the last Tuesday of each month and planned my evening yesterday around book club, only to learn that next Tuesday is the last Tuesday of the month. Oh dear!

Chrissy is our hostess at Little Red Wagon this week and she's looking for "A heart or two... or three". Include at least one heart on your project and you're good to join us!

My colleague recently had to say goodbye to his dog so I made this card for him and his family. Our team also made a donation to our local animal shelter in honour of Eudora. 

Please head over to Little Red Wagon to see what the rest of the Girlfriends have created - and then add a heart or two (or three or more!) to your next project in order to join our challenge too!


1 Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

AW! This is such a lovely card to send someone who has the loss of their furry friend Kate. I'm sure it will be very much appreciated.
Faith x

2 Brenda said...

What a sweet, thoughtful card, Kate. I love the little pup and those hearts have been on my MFT wishlist for a while now. I've been a week ahead this month too for some reason and nearly missed an appt for my MIL. I usually know what day it is now that I am volunteering, but every other day looks pretty much the same. Big hugs! Stay safe!

3 Chrissy said...

Gorgeous sweet card Kate for your friends loss of his furry companion, love your hearts and design..


4 Witchcrafted Life said...

Such a precious, caring card. There are few harder or more heartbreaking than losing a beloved pet. I'm sure that your very thoughtful greeting will help to ease a bit of the pain that your coworker is experiencing.

Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

5 JanR said...

Such a lovely card to send to a friend. I especially adore those little hearts.
The everyday sameness.....I think we've all forgotten what day/week it is this year!

6 Imke said...

Super sweet !


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