
Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Teeth are Mithing

This is actually an old project, done back in 2009 - before I had a blog.  I had posted it on the Cricut Message Board (and even got a mention in the Chirp for it).  However, my friend, Tara, at Homemade Happiness, is giving away a Jubilee cartridge to celebrate her 100+ followers, so I thought that I would add this layout to my blog to demonstrate the fun that can be had with Jubilee!  It's not on my blog and I want to have a Jubilee link to it - so here it is!

I made this layout to treasure my youngest's toothless smile.  I used Jublilee for the "my teeth are mithing" lettering and then created a frame for it using Zooballoo.  I simply removed the snow in DS.  The teeth were from a file shared by OkieLadyBug.  I used Mickey Font for Egad, Paper Pups for the dog (and used DS to remove his two front teeth!!).  I also did some embossing with my Cuttlebug.

If you are interested in Jubilee, head over to visit Tara at Homemade Happiness!  


  1. This is great Kate you're a doll!

  2. Me again! Because you rock I have awarded you a blog award pop on over and check it out!


  3. OMGOsh! How cute! Mithing, lol! I totally get it and this is the cutest!! Great job, Kate! She is a beauty, just like her mommy! Blessings to you!

  4. Love that title! LOL What great pictures too! This layout has great colors and I love the embossing and the doggie cut with the big smile.. awfully cute!! Love this Kate.

  5. What an adorable, adorable page. I love the pictures, too cute!!! I love how you took the dog's teeth out, very clever.

    Such a fun page!!


  6. Gorgeous LO! Your post and blog are featured in the Weekly Blend today at


  7. LOL! What a fun and really cute layout! You did it in 2009 and it still rocks!

  8. Ohhh this layout is adorable. Love your play on the word missing, lol.

  9. Thanks for sharing this project. Don't you like to go back and look at some of your older pieces of work to compare or just enjoy?!


  10. Creative layout. Beautiful things on your site.

  11. that is so cute kate love it. Would you please email me so I will have your email address hubby was working on computer, no it wasnt broken. ha he was making it better. but erased all my email addressed I had stored. hugs

  12. Awwww this is adorable. Love the lettering that you used on the title too. Great way to keep memories of those childhood teeth. :)

  13. So adorable ! and those pics are super cute !
    ~Maria Elena~

  14. ROTFL!! Your title totally cracks me up!! What a great layout and a fun memory!!

  15. The lettering you used comes in a very fun pattern! But the best piece there would be the picture of your young 'un at the center! That's a funny face! Is that one of his last to come out?

    - Bianca Jackson

  16. You’re very creative to come up with this idea. It’s the picture of this child that makes this project soo cute! Even with a missing tooth, this child looks so alluring! I think parents should imitate your idea. They should also take photographs of their toothless children or those with missing tooth. Doing this can remind kids about the importance of practicing oral hygiene.


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