
Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Amputation sympathy card

Imke's hosting our newest Little Red Wagon challenge and she's chosen the theme "sympathy". I did something a little bit different.

A few weeks ago, my son had a pretty nasty accident at work. His little finger was mostly amputated although stitched back together. Unfortunately, the finger is useless given that the circular saw he was using totally ate up the joint cartilage and also cut tendons and a nerves. Jack will have the finger amputated (with a bit of a stump!) on Thursday. Because our family has a bit of an odd sense of humour, Jack asked for a farewell party for his finger which we'll have tonight (Wednesday). He's asked for poutine and cheesecake. Yum!

I created the image in Canva using a pre-created hand with the little finger sticking out. If I had to make the card again, I think I would cut the image and sentiment separately and back them each with the red. That said, I REALLY hope I never have to make any such card again!!

Please head over to Little Red Wagon to see the sympathy projects created by the rest of the Girlfriends - and then link up one of your own! 


  1. Oh, Kate! First off, I'm so sorry to hear of Jack's accident, but thankful it healed without complication. It sounds like he has a very healthy sense of humor, one I can appreciate. I'm was not familiar with poutine, but after looking after it, it sounds like something I would really like (french fries are one of my favorite eats). As for your card, it is perfect! Love that you created your own with Canva. Praying for another speedy recovery!

  2. Oh no, poor Jack, my pop did that when he was a saw doctor here in NZ, what a fun card for him and hope you enjoy your chips,cheese and gravy..yum..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  3. I absolutely love that you're doing a farewell party for Jack's finger. What an awesome way to have family come together before the surgery! And you can't go wrong with poutine and cheesecake. (Did you give a tiny gasp when you read Brenda didn't know what poutine is? I sure did. (; ) Such a wonderful card! Canva is perfect for specific images like this. All the best to Jack for his surgery today! ♥

  4. Oh, my goodness! I am so sorry to hear about Jack's accident. I hope his surgery went well and he is healing up just fine. Your card to celebrate his finger's passing was so well done! This is why card making is so great - the ability to make something you could NEVER buy. I must say, I am in complete admiration of Jack's attitude about it all, too.


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