
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Prayers and Love

Brenda is hosting this week's challenge at Little Red Wagon and she has chosen the theme "In Memorium". Brenda is looking for creations of all types that remember lost loved ones in some way - from sympathy cards to memorial journals to scrapbook memory pages.

I decided to create sympathy cards - two! Unfortunately, a friend's father is quite ill and not expected to live much longer. The family has been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. I created these cards for my friend and his mother using stamps from Hero Arts and from Studio Katia. The stamped flowers are all covered with Wink of Stella too - although it's difficult to see that in the photos.

Please head over to Little Red Wagon to see the creations made by the rest of the design team. We'd love to have you link up your own "In Memorium" projects too!


  1. Both cards are very elegant, Kate.


  2. I'm so sorry you will have to use these. They are both simple and beautiful, the perfect combination for this type of card.

  3. Lovely cards, Kate. Such soft pretty colours. Sorry to hear about your friend's father.

  4. Lovely cards Kate. Sorry you needed to make them xx


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