
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Merry Christmas

Somehow, it's already Wednesday again. It seems like it was Wednesday only yesterday. That said, it was mid-morning yesterday when I realized that it was only Tuesday. I had thought it was Wednesday up until then! The days are going fast enough. It would be better if things slowed down a bit. 

Brenda is our wonderful hostess at Little Red Wagon this week and she's chosen the theme NBUS - Never Before Used Stuff. I'm ashamed to admit how many unused items I have in my craft room. I'm hoping to go through my cupboards during the holidays in order to give away things that I don't use. 

About a year or two ago, I received a "Tree Trio" die set free with my MFT purchase. I decided to use the dies for this challenge, creating a set of coordinating cards. I also used a never-before-opened silver paper roll that I don't even remember purchasing - so who knows how long I've had it! It's pretty but quite thin so I had to stick the paper to cardstock before cutting it. The embossing folder on the right-hand card was also new-in-the-package and I received that in a grab box from Simon Says Stamp about three or four years ago. In fact, the entire contents of the box of goodies remain unused... 

Thanks to Brenda, I've at least put a few of my crafting supplies to good use! And this makes for a perfect opportunity for you to do the same. Please head over to Little Red Wagon to see the rest of the Girlfriends' NBUS projects and then link up one of your own!


  1. Oh my, I love those trees Kate, I love the colours and design and simplicity of your gorgeous cards..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  2. These certainly deserve to be used Kate and you have done them proud, such beautiful cards.
    Faith x

  3. Great take with the trees, Kate. I think these are very versatile for every season.


  4. Wow, Kate, you were an overachiever for sure. You not only used 3 NBUS items, you made such wonderful cards! I love that you created a set.

  5. Fabulous cards, Kate! Way to rock this challenge with all your NBUS!

  6. So true about the rapid passing of time. Even though November was a long month in some senses for us, I'm still in borderline shock over the fact that there are only 15 days left of 2021.

    For better or worse, this year is drawing to a close and while I share your wish that time would slow down, I'm glad in many respects that we will soon be embracing January again.

    Happily, though, we have Christmas to enjoy first. Your cards are fantastic. So upbeat and festive. I have no doubt they'll brighten the holidays for each lucky recipient.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


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